What listing price do you recommend and what is that price based on?
Pricing is the most critical step to selling your home. Take great care in choosing an agent with the knowledge to price your home effectively. Keep in mind the selling price should attract prospective buyers to your home, get you top dollar in the current market and reflect the condition of your home. Be realistic and avoid ‘yes agents’, who will say ‘yes’ to any request or price while your home languishes on the market. To test a market is fine if it is close to realistic. Know if you start high you may lose a potential buyer to another house and be prepared to have an aggressive reduction schedule that both you and your agent agree to.
What does the listing agreement entail?
Have your agent go over every detail in the listing agreement with you until you understand it completely. Verify all the blanks your agent has populated and be sure the marketing plan is clearly defined so there will be no questions as to how the agent is going to promote and advertise your house.